


AUTHORS: R.K. Yadav, V.K. Yadav & L.L. Somani



ISBN: 9788119892563

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The book is structured around twenty basic soil concepts, beginning with the meaning of soil and its systematic study (soil science). This is followed by discussing the significance of soil in our everyday lives and progressing through soil formation, physical and chemical properties of soil, soil – plant interactions and what roles should man play in managing soil-environment interactions for sustainable productivity now and in the future. In short, the course covers.

  1. All aspects of soil science including soil habitat such as the mineral component of the soil, soil origin and development, fundamental concepts of soil physics, soil classification and survey and a run-down of plant requirements for growth.
  2. Processes in the soil environment such as soil aeration and temperature and their effects on the availability of plant nutrition, organic matter and soil organisms, soil reaction, soil colloidal material and their exchange reactions with ionic elements.
  • Soil-plant nutrients interactions including fertilizers and essential nutrient elements (their availability and nutrition in plants).
  1. Soil and plant analysis and management to cover areas of maintenance of soil productivity, problem soils, hazards of soil use and management of the soil resource.

The book will serve as textbook for graduate students of agriculture in all SAUs of India.


S. No. Title Page
Preface 3-4
Foreword 5
About the Book 6
Authors Profile 8
1. Scope of Soil Science 9-13
2. Introduction 14-34
3. Rocks and Minerals 35-52
4. Weathering 53-63
5. Soil Formation and Soil Forming Processes 64-90
6. Soil Reaction (Soil pH) 91-101
7. Physical Properties of Soil 102-143
8. Soil Water 144-168
9. Soil Temperature 169-176
10. Soil Air 177-185
11. Soil Colloids 186-211
12. Soil Biology 212-233
13 Soil of India 234-236
14. Soil Organic Matter 237-251
15. Soil Classification 252-266
Literature Cited 267-268



Dr. Rajendra Kumar Yadav received his B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons. Agriculture in 2013 from University of Agriculture Sciences, Bangalore. He obtained his M.Sc. (2015) and Ph.D. (2018) in Division of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistryfrom ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. He started his professional career as Assistant Professor in 2018, at Agricultural Research Station, Ummedganj, Kota (Agriculture University, Kota) under AICRP on Irrigation Water Management Project. He has published 30 research papers, review papers/book chapter and 20 popular articles in peer-reviewed journal of international/national reputes.He has guided 04 PG students for the award of their degree. His area of specialisation in Soil Science (Soil Fertility, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Carbon Sequestration, Improvement of Soil Health & Soil and Water Resource Management and farmer’s participatory research has helped in technology transfer and adoption in service area.

Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav received his B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons. Agriculture in 2015 from SKNAU, Jobner. M.Sc. (2017) and Ph.D.(2021) in Division of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry from MPUAT, Udaipur. He started his professional career as Assistant Professor in 2018, at College of Agriculture Ummedganj, Kota (Agriculture University, Kota). He has published 20 research papers, review papers/book chapter and 20 popular articles in peer reviewed journal of international/national reputes. He has guided 02 PG students for the award of their degree. His area of specialisation in Soil Science (Soil Fertility, Pedology, Soil survey , Carbon Sequestration, Improvement of Soil Health and farmer’s participatory research has helped in technology transfer and adoption in service area.

Dr. L.L. Somani, Retired Director Resident Instructions, MPUAT, Udaipur has many papers published in national and International Journals/Symposia, etc. and many number of books to his credit in different disciplines of Agriculture. He held different position in MPUAT and has spreaded highly innovative ideas and programmes for the development of Agriculture.